Access of Care
Relocation, travel or difficult commutes no longer stand in the way of quality care.
Reduce No-Shows
With iTel’s mobile options, patients can easily make their appointments.
Increase Efficiency
Save time and resources with our simple, convenient platform. Mobile, convenient waiting rooms!
Optimizing Patient Care
By using an online platform, patients are able to simply and securely connect with their provider on any device from any location. No more driving across town, or wasted time in the waiting room.
Patients and providers benefit from the simplicity, reliability, and convenience of iTel’s secure video. Providers and Clinics benefit from telehealth:
1. Triage patient admissions
2. Family counseling
3. Provider to Provider communications
4. Discharge Planning and Coordination
5. After Care
All online communications are secure.
Perfectly Mobile
Connection on your mobile device

Simple video communications
Pharmacy Search & Locate
Schedule a session now
or anytime
Patient-Provider Messaging
Improve how Medicine is Practiced
iTel Solutions
Telehealth is a great solution for clinics and enterprises. Patients and Providers alike can benefit from the smooth flow of an online visit.
iTel integrates seamlessly into your practice, from individual providers to group practices and small clinics. We feature customized workflows for your practice specialty, from mental health to sleep clinics and everything in between. It is the ultimate secure portal for patients and provider communication, but can also be utilized for clients and coaches. By using our online video platform, you are able to connect anytime and anyplace. Just choose the access option that works best for you!